Top Nutrition Tips to Navigate Eating Out

I love eating out, I mean who doesn’t? You get to try new dishes, flavours, take in the atmosphere and get a break from cooking!

But I know it can sometimes be intimidating if you have nutrition goals or values that you align with, trust me I get it! 

I want to dive into some of my top nutrition tips that I often share with my clients and those that are doing my Refresh Program! 


First of all, Natural Spoonful’s is all about listening to your intuition and following your body. This involves not depriving yourself and instead having a balanced and sustainable approach towards food. 

If your body craves a restaurant burger and chips on occasion, then that is okay. As long as it is not the norm and you continue to nourish your body with healthy foods majority of the time, if you are a burger lover check out these homemade natural burgers here. 


That all being said, there are always healthier alternatives when eating out. 

Here’s some tips:

  • If you feel influenced by smells or the sight of other people’s food when out or even anxious about navigating a menu.. it can be helpful to search the menu online in advance so you can pre plan and stay firm on your decision when you arrive at the venue. 

  •  Opt for choices that have the most veggies. 

  •  Use sides to create your own meals or to balance them out. For example, add some steamed veggies or salad to a protein source. 

  •  Serving size can often be much larger when you are dining out. You don’t have to finish your plate. Share with your family or friends or ask to take it home with you. 

  •  If you are in a shopping centre, simply shopping. Try to have homemade meals beforehand. Everyone knows shopping on an empty stomach is dangerous territory!

  •  If you are a Read Food Eater (and have done my My Low Tox Food Program, your palate will be accustomed to real wholefoods, the amazing thing with this is that you start to crave natural ingredients. I never thought I would be someone who would look forward to eating a salad at a restaurant... but now I LOVE it, because they go all out & add delicious add ins that I wouldn’t bother doing myself at home. 

  • Another big thing is to consider what you are drinking. Opt for water where possible instead of soft drinks etc. Always have a drink bottle with you, so you’re not caught out. And if you are drinking alcohol, stick to low sugar options. I personally like to have straights with soda water & lime (this can most always be accommodated when out).

Be flexible and enjoy the company and your food! 
If you’re after more support check out my Low Tox Food Program for life long nourishment and health.


After some more nourishment?
Check out these articles!

·      Eating Organic.. Is it Worth It?
·      Are Vegetable Oils bad for you?
·      Intuitive Eating 101


Flavours, Natural Flavours…What the heck are they?


Intuitive Eating 101