Intuitive Eating 101

I am a big advocate for eating intuitively and becoming familiar with your body’s natural cues and learning to respond appropriately. I know this can tend to be confusing and difficult to adopt into your own eating patterns, so I hope this brings some clarity and inspiration.


What is Intuitive Eating?
Eating intuitively is feeling completely empowered to eat what you want, when you want and ultimately knowing how this will feed your body and soul. It really is about building trust with yourself. 

My Journey to Intuitive Eating
I have written a full bio all about my journey which you can read here, but essentially intuitive eating helped me ditch diet culture, strengthen my self-esteem and it actually helped me to sustainably lose 25kg!

I’ve had many nutrition client’s question this working for them, they say things like “oh that wouldn’t work for me, I would binge on junk food” or “I would gain so much weight”. 

But once I work through these concerns with them, they end up saying things like “I was full, so I stopped eating”, “I’m at peace with my weight” and “I feel in control”. 

Natural Spoonful’s philosophy is “Nature knows best” and highlights the power of real food in recipes and supports journeys through programs like my Low Tox Food Program. You may be hesitant to start intuitive eating, but trust me, once you change your palette to natural wholefoods… like mother nature intended, suddenly, you have the power back, you are in control of your food choices. 

Back before I started intuitive eating, I could easily down a whole block of Cadbury milk chocolate.. now I feel sick after a couple of pieces. Your body begins to intuitively crave real foods, now it’s a couple squares of dark chocolate for me. Yep, I naturally became THAT person!

How to Start Intuitive Eating
Check in with your food and mood habits. Take note of when you crave eating certain types of foods and contemplate why. Consider whether you are emotional eating and why. Finding other vices to turn to instead of food is very powerful. For example, instead of grabbing the chocolate bar, go for a relaxing walk instead and see how you feel afterwards.  

I also want you to start listening to that little voice inside your head. What is your self-talk like? Is it talking to you like it would your best friend? Or is it tearing you down. After each negative thought, switch it to a positive and talk like you would to a loved one. Let’s practice regular self-love. 
Here’s a quick example:
“Ahh I ate too much chocolate” to “it’s okay I ate chocolate, my body is telling me that it was too much though, next time I will listen more”. 

Natural Eating Program Eating in Tune

Trust the Process
This can be a massive change, challenging all your habits and a slow journey I might add. Don’t expect it to happen overnight. You will slowly start to change your mindset and transition into more positive thought patterns. Once you start eating a natural food palette and listening to how your body responds to these choices, you heart and mind will follow!

Also, eating intuitively means your food behaviours and choices will naturally constantly be changing. Think of it like your body going through seasons sometimes our body needs more wholesome meals like soups and curries, and at other moments we feel like light refreshing foods like salads and smoothies. Get in tune with your bodies season. This will be representative of what your life looks like at that stage, are you going through a super busy and stressed period or are you just chilling? 
Feed your body, mind and soul. Listen. 

Let’s do this
My My Low Tox Food Program is a fantastic place to start. This 4 week program focuses on ensuring you are confidently fueling your body and continuing to enjoy food. The program empowers you to focus on eating real food and getting back to basics.


After some more nourishment?
Check out these articles!

·      Eating Organic.. Is it Worth It?
·      How to Shop Naturally
·      Should you be Eating Gluten Free?


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