How to shop Naturally

So, I have covered what natural eating actually is here, but how do we actually do it? It all starts with what you put into your shopping basket. Here’s some of my tips on how best to shop naturally.

How to shop healthy with natural produce

Navigating a Grocery Store
When navigating a store, a good way is to shop the perimeter of the store, this is mostly where the real food will be stocked, it will include fresh produce, cold food and the frozen sections. Avoid the rows in the middle. You don’t need to go up every isle, this will only lead to enticing you to buy unnecessarily.  

Read Food Labels
So, a little saying I like to say is “if you can’t pronounce what’s in the pack.. put it back on the rack!”. 
This is largely true, some ingredient names that you will come across are ridiculously long and pretty hard to say.. that’s usually quite a good indication that the food is not a simple and natural ingredient. 

My number one tip to eating naturally is start reading food labels and see what you’re eating is actually REAL food! 

Green Labelling 
This continues to become more and more popular! Any trip to the grocery store you will literally see products that have green on them to make them appear healthier! They will chuck irrelevant claims on them too. For example putting “gluten free” on a packet of rice, which doesn’t even contain gluten to begin with! Be aware of these marketing ploys. Just because a product is beautifully packaged, slaps on a trendy phrase or is in the health food isle does not make it healthy! Always check the ingredients! 

The Power of Being a Conscious Consumer
I like to follow this train of thought with all my purchases, be it food or not. Am I being conscious in my decision? Do I need this? Do I really want this? Why am I buying this? What are the effects of buying this? In a world where we have an abundance of stuff available to us in a click of a button or just being bombarded at the shops, it’s really important to remain conscious. Purchase #qualityoverquantity where applicable. Consumers hold the power, by refusing to buy certain products this promotes change and higher demand. Don’t discredit your purchasing power, YOU are voting with your money!

Eat Local, Seasonal and Organic (as much as possible!)

Eat the rainbow (I want to see colourful trolleys full of a variety of produce to optimally nourish our bodies)  

In my My Low Tox Food Program I break down each food category telling you exactly what you should be buying and what you shouldn’t. Here’s the categories what we cover:

-Meat & Eggs
-Processed Deli Meats & Fake Meats
-Grains & Legumes
-Nuts & Seeds
-Herbs & Spices
-Baking Goods
-Fermented Foods
-Snacks & Confectionary

Want to get the inside scoop and shop naturally?
Sign up to my My Low Tox Food Program 


After some more nourishment?
Check out these articles!

·      Gut Health 101

·      How to Naturally Support your Immune System

·      The low down on Prebiotics & Probiotics


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