Gut Health 101

So the importance of gut health is being blasted everywhere! But do you actually know why? Is it really that important? 
Today I’m going to dive into the world of the gut microbiome and tell you what you really need to know! 

Gut Health 101 garlic and onion

So what even is the Gut Microbiome?
The gut microbiota is located in the digestive system and is made up of microorganisms that create a gut flora. I like to think of it as a beautiful garden that is either flourishing or struggling. The gut microbiome interacts with the rest of the body and plays a large role in inflammation. Poor gut health can promote an inflammatory state that can create oxidative stress on the body, this can lead to many different chronic health conditions. 


What the heck is Leaky Gut?
Intestinal permeability or often referred to as ‘leaky gut’ is when the walls of the small intestine have become permeable, which can lead to poor nutrient absorption and digestive issues. Through this harmful bacteria and toxins can seep through, as opposed to the body digesting and eliminating these unwanted particles. 

Think of it like a fly screen, there are small holes (or tight junctions) that are naturally porous, now picture rips through the fly screen allowing harmful molecules to pass through.


What effects Gut Health?
There are SO many factors to consider when looking into gut health, it’s important to look at your current circumstances and your history. And not only yours but also your mothers and grandmothers! Research has provided insight that a vaginal childbirth and breast feeding is favourable in positively colonising the gut microbiome. Other important factors to consider are antibiotic use, various medications, stress, toxins, environments, age, race and of course food consumption! 


Okay.. now how do I care for my Gut Garden?
The above factors make it clear that there’s a lot we can do to support our gut health. Here’s some main points:
- Consume Probiotics and Prebiotics (read more here to find out how and what they are!) 
- Manage Stress
- Regular Movement 
- Prioritise Sleep 
- Eat Mindfully & Slowly
- Eat Seasonal Real Food & Stay Hydrated
- Limit processed foods, sugar, caffeine, alcohol and additives as these have been linked to disturbing our gut.

Can you heal the Gut?
YES! Yay! Follow the above tips. My number one tip for gut healing is to consume bone broth (read more here). I recommend working with a qualified health professional to assist you with healing your gut and your unique needs. Get in contact here. 

The Takeaway
A diverse gut flora that has an abundance of healthy bacteria has been shown to be extremely beneficial to our health and promote the prevention of inflammation and oxidative stress which has the potential to lead to damaging conditions. 


I hope this has made the gut microbiome a tad bit clearer! Fortunately new exciting research continue to emerge in this area! If you have any questions, please send them through and if you are experiencing any digestive issues, let’s chat here


After some more nourishment?
Check out these articles!

·      The low down on Cannabis, CBD & Hemp

·      How to Naturally Support your Immune System

·      The low down on Prebiotics & Probiotics


The low down on Prebiotics & Probiotics


Why I love bone broth & you should too!