The low down on Cannabis, CBD & Hemp


There’s a lot of confusion when it comes to cannabis and its products. So, I’ve decided to dive into the research and provide some clarification. Let’s get into it. 

Cannabis, CBD & Hemp

The Cannabis Plant
I want to start this off by saying that the cannabis sativa plant is very complex and absolutely fascinating. Legalities are continuing to progress which means there are now more and more products hitting the market. Research continues to emerge of its incredible capabilities, and we are only just scratching the surface.

There are a bunch of terms that are thrown around (from street names to scientific names) which can make it all quite confusing! 
Cannabis belongs to the botanical family Cannabaceae. There are male and female plants as well as hermaphrodite plants (being technically both male and female).


Hemp & Marijuana & THC 
These are both cannabis plants but differ due to the amount of THC (delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol) in them. THC is the part of the plant that produces the ‘high’ or the psychoactive experience and is found in the flowers. Each country/state distinguish between the two by determining a percentage of THC in the product, if it is less than a certain percent such as .3% it is considered hemp and if it is more than .3% that it is considered a marijuana variety of the cannabis plant. 
Cannabis plants are bred to produce different levels of THC for different purposes. 

What is CBD?
CBD or cannabidiol is a compound extracted from cannabis plants and is certainly gaining in popularity around the world. Some countries only legally allow CBD products to be sold from hemp plants to consumers, higher THC levels must be medically prescribed. Again, this varies from country to country and state to state.. talk about confusing! 
CBD oil is extracted from the ‘trichomes’ which is the hair like part of the cannabis flower. It produces a sticky resin which can be used to make CBD oil. 
Large flowers or the “buds” (street lingo ;) ), resin and other cannabis medicine all come from the female plant only. 

Male plants pollinate the female plants to create new seed, but males don’t produce the flowers. The growing of cannabis plants truly is fascinating and there is definitely a science to it. From breeding various strains to identifying the sex of the plant, it’s another world and there is so much to learn (if you’re interested of course). 

Research has shown that CBD has benefits for epilepsy,
anxiety, sleeping insomnia, arthritis, gut health, inflammation, nausea, PTSD, depression, addictions and chronic pain.

Due to CBD’s strong medicinal properties, I believe it will continue to grow in hype and popularity. 

It can be taken in by the body through smoking, edibles, oils, vaping, tinctures (often sublingually) , trans dermally (through the skin) like oils, creams, bath bombs, patches and even suppositories, like medicated tampons! Also, CBD products are becoming very popular for pets to address anxiety, pain and hyperactivity!

Of course, dosage is bio individual and should be treated as so. 

There are three types of CBD products:

-       Full Spectrum or Whole Plant (contains cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and usually a small amount of THC) 

-       Broad Spectrum (is full spectrum with the THC removed) 

-       Isolate (CBD molecule only, hence zero THC)

Lab Test Checklist

-       Check CBD quantity in product & serving size. 
The label should match the test. 

-       Check THC quantity in product & serving size.

-       Check what other cannabinoid and terpene information is available. 
The more thorough the information the better. 

-       A negative result for pesticides, heavy metal and residual solvents. 

-       I wouldn’t trust black/grey market unregulated products. 

There are many black/grey market products emerging, however these are unregulated and could be very poor quality and may be produced from people lacking expertise. These are often very expensive products, and you may be paying for ineffective, misjudged potency, improper testing, mislabelled and overall low quality oils. So, I would steer clear.

At the moment, in Australia the only way to legally get CBD & THC products is to go through your GP and see if you are an eligible patient. Or through companies like Aus Access and CDA who can work with your doctors to provide education to them and assist you in getting subscriptions if eligible. In other parts of the world recreational/medical dispensaries are available and can be a helpful resource in finding products and dosing to suit you and your needs.  

I really do believe that it’s only a matter of time that it will be legal and regulated in Australia. Many states and countries are beginning to change their stance. Watch this space I guess. 

Hemp Products
Male plants are useful when creating hemp fibres for industrial purposes like clothing and other various textiles. 

Hemp seed oil is very different from CBD oil as they come from different parts of the plant. Hemp products are sourced from the seeds and stalk of the hemp plant and therefore do not contain CBD or THC, as again these are found in the flowers of the plants. You may have come across hemp seeds, hemp seed oil or even heard of hemp milk in food products or skincare, they are rich in nutrients and fatty acids. 


The Endocannabinoid System 
This is another fascinating topic with deeper research continuing to be released, it was only first discovered in 1992! It is an entire biological regulatory system within the body which balances many processes such as maintaining homeostasis, immunity, cell communication, metabolism, anxiety, inflammation, memory and more. Imagine that! A whole system within our bodies that is designed to receive and utilise cannabis as medicine. Wow! 

The system is made up of endocannabinoid molecules, cannabinoid receptors as well as enzymes and proteins that generate, breakdown and transport endocannabinoids to the receptors. 

The system does more than simply use molecules derived from the cannabis plant (phytocannabinoids), as we actually naturally generate our own cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) within the body. Bet you didn’t know that! 
Endocannabinoids are produced within the body to maintain balance when needed, our levels naturally increase in response to stress or inflammation. 

The two significant endocannabinoids that have been identified are Anandamide referred to as the bliss molecule which enhances mood and 2-AG which regulates appetite, immunity and pain. 

Alright that’s enough of geeking out on that science, but pretty extraordinary right!? 

So, there we are. I hope this has brought some clarification and when you come across these terms or certain products in the future you know what’s up!

Please know that I am not encouraging the use of cannabis nor discouraging it. 
Of course, abide by the law in your state & country. This is simply an educational piece to provide clarification. Always consults your doctor for individualised support.

I also would like to highlight that there are many studies on cannabis but as it has been illegal and still is in many parts of the world, there is a lack of human clinical trial studies to confirm the benefits and claims. I look forward to this kind of scientific research emerging.  

Want to learn more?
If you’re wanting to dive deep I highly recommend reading “The Rebel’s Apothecary“ by Jenny Sansouci. 

Or check out these resources:


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·      Gut Health 101

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