How to Naturally Support your Immune System


It’s that time of the year when immunity becomes a hot topic, I mean no wants the sniffles right!?

So, what should we be doing to support our immunity? 
Below, I dive into the best way to build a robust immune system.

Naturally Support your Immune System Turmeric

Let’s talk Lifestyle
This increases the load on your immune system. It also causes inflammation throughout the body which leads to decreased ability in fighting off infections. It’s so important to learn to manage and reduce stress as much as you can! I find meditation really helps me.

This is imperative for the body to rest and repair. We need to focus on duration and quality here. Try get that magical 8 hours.

Just because it’s cold is no excuse to skip the exercise. I actually LOVE getting in a workout or doing some yoga in winter, such as fantastic way to warm up and nourish your body. Exercise will strengthen your immune system and assists in detoxification. 

SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder is very real and really can sap your energy and put you down in the blues. Follow all the tips here to nourish your body to combat this. But also, remember to have fun! Do things you love, make time for you and laugh every day!  

Eat Seasonal Real Food
Continue to eat nourishing wholesome foods, sourced locally as much as possible. Sometimes we take mother nature for granted and think we can out smart her. But she (mother nature) had it right! If you look at the produce available in particular seasons you will realise the beauty of her work. For example: citrus is abundant in winter supporting our immune systems with extra Vitamin C and in summer we have juicy sweet fruits which provide hydration, extra energy and beautiful antioxidants for those long hot summer days. Eating this way promotes a sense of harmony between you and your environment. This way of eating ensures great variety in food consumption, this variation will support your nutritional needs across the whole year. 

Support Gut Health
Over 70% of our immune system is located in the gut!! So safe to say we should definitely be supporting gut health as much as possible!

Prebiotics can be found in non-digestible fibre rich foods. 
They feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut. So are super important! 
Sources: Asparagus, Unripe Bananas (can use green banana flour), Eggplant, Garlic, Jerusalem Artichokes, Leeks & Onions.

Probiotics are live microorganisms that provide beneficial bacteria for the gut.
Sources: Natural/Greek Yoghurt, Pickled Vegetables, Sauerkraut, Kefir, Kimchi, Kombucha, Miso & Tempeh. 
Start to include SMALL amounts of these regularly in your diet. 
Start very small and build your way up slowly. 

Important Nutrients
-Vitamin C (citrus, kiwi, berries, red capsicum)
-Vitamin D (sunshine, liver, sardines, egg yolk) 
-Zinc (pumpkin seeds, red meat, oysters, cacao) 

Other noteworthy nutrients include:
-Iodine, Magnesium, Selenium (antioxidant) & Omega 3 Fatty Acids (to reduce inflammation). 

Heal Me Foods 
-Bone Broth
-Medicinal Mushrooms (like chaga, reishi & shiitake) 
-Fatty Fish
-Nuts & Seeds
-Dark Leafy Greens
-Dark Chocolate!
-Manuka Honey
-An abundance of Colourful Vegetables!

Heal Me Herbs*
-Olive Leaf Extract
-Liquorice Root
*Work with a practitioner for individualised supplementation support. 

Other Tips
-Stay Hydrated (just because it’s not hot doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be drinking water). 
-Limit processed foods, sugar, caffeine & alcohol.
-Make sure you’re getting enough protein

Cook Nourishing Recipes
Like this Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup which is full of vitamins and minerals from the veggies, hydration from the broth, carbohydrates from the noodles and collagen/glutamine from the chicken/bone broth which supports the immune system and provides building blocks within the body.

Happy Health!

What’s your favourite immune supporting food?

Stacey Naturalspoonfuls

After some more nourishment?
Check out these articles!

·      Gut Health 101

·      The low down on Cannabis, CBD & Hemp

·      The low down on Prebiotics & Probiotics


Why I love bone broth & you should too!


The low down on Cannabis, CBD & Hemp