Why I love bone broth & you should too!


Bone broth is one of nature’s most nutrient dense foods. It really is a superfood that you can include in your diet to support your health!

homemade bone broth

What is bone broth?
So, bone broth is basically made from simmering bones and connective tissues in water for an extended period. This slow cooking method allows minerals to be extracted from the bones. This essentially creates a nutrient dense stock. 
When I consume meat, I am wary of making the most of that animal sacrifice, which is why I love utilising the bones for the amazing benefits. It can be made from any animal and even fish too!  


Why is bone broth so powerful?
It is a fantastic addition to any diet. I recommend the consumption of bone broth for client’s who are healing their gut microbiome and anyone with autoimmune conditions such as celiac disease and hashimoto’s to support/heal/prevent leaky gut. 

Bone broth is full of healing properties such as:

  • Calcium, magnesium and phosphorus (cell integrity, bone health, metabolic functions). 

  • Collagen (for joint health, exercise recovery and supporting healthy hair, skin and nails).

  • Glutamine (important for the small intestinal barrier, digestion and muscle building). 

  • Gelatin (supports healthy hair, skin and nails, as well as supporting digestion and joint health). 


How do I include it in my diet?
This is the fun part! Yay!
So, bone broth is essentially stock, so whenever a recipe calls for it swap it out for bone broth! You can also simply add some to your cooking! For example, when sautéing vegetables, add some bone broth and a splash of water (if dried or concentrated), the flavours are delicious! As you begin to consume it more and more you will find ways to add into a meal which will improve the overall nutrient profile!

Another very simple way to consume bone broth is to have it in a mug. I do one serving (usually a teaspoon if dried or concentrated) with some hot water. It’s like having a delicious soup. It may take you a little while to become accustomed to the taste but trust me you will end up looking forward to it! 


How often should I have it?
For my clients who are healing leaky gut I recommend having two serves per day. So, that would be two mugs or a mug and then some with your meal. 

And for general health support I recommend having it once per day (or at least most day of the week!). This will support your gut lining which is super important for our overall health and wellbeing. 

I find working it into a routine is best, for example I always have a cozy mug of bone broth at morning teatime. I continue having this even in the warmer months but on those days where it’s just too hot, I try adding it into a meal or even add it into a smoothie! 

What if I’m Vego/Vegan!?
If you’re healing your gut, I highly recommend working with a practitioner who can provide individualised support and supplement recommendations. 
For general health benefits though we want to concentrate on including inflammatory foods such as turmeric (with some black pepper for greater absorption). Of course we want to ensure our diet is based on real wholefoods to ensure optimal vitamin and mineral intake. It’s very important to ensure we are consuming adequate protein, read more on plant proteins here. There are also some great vegan collagen supplements that are hitting the market, ensure you are including Vitamin C as this is required for collagen formation. If you’re ready to optimise your health, work with a practitioner. 

Where can I get it?
It is super cost effective to make your own! Here is my recipe with a few tips and tricks!
Store bought can come in concentrates or dried varieties. My favourite brands are Best of Bone, Gevity or Broth of Life.


Have you tried bone broth yet? 

Stacey Naturalspoonfuls

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·      Gut Health 101

·      How to Naturally Support your Immune System

·      The low down on Prebiotics & Probiotics


Gut Health 101


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