Should you be eating Gluten Free?


“Gluten Free” has become a trendy tagline to add on to products, but what does it actually mean?

Eating Gluten Free

What is Gluten? 
Gluten is a protein found in many grains such as wheat, barley and rye. 

Who should be eating Gluten Free?
Celiac Disease
Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disease where gluten stimulates the immune system to mistakenly attack the intestinal villi. The inner wall of the intestine has thousands of tiny finger like projections called villi, they increase surface area and therefore increase the capacity to absorb nutrients. Unfortunately, through celiac disease the villi are damaged and reduced which impairs the ability of nutrients to be absorbed. This is a serious disease where gluten must not be consumed to ensure permanent intestinal damage does not occur.

Gluten Sensitivity or Intolerance 
Is an increasing condition where people are displaying symptoms of celiac disease but are not diagnosed as allergic. Symptoms can include stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, headaches and tiredness. Gluten has been associated with inflammation throughout the body. 


But, do I?
Personally, I avoid gluten as my body feels better without it. I do have it on occasion, in certain products, family events, dinners with friends etc. But I do make a conscious effort to limit it as much as possible in my diet as I believe my body is intolerant, due to the digestive issues I experience. 

Modern wheat varieties have been manipulated to produce larger and faster yields. It is not the same as it used to be, nor does it contain the same amount of nutrients that ancient grains contained. This manipulation makes it more difficult for the body to process which can lead to inflammation and potential nutrient deficiencies.

 Another reason, I limit gluten in my body is the concerns with the exposure to glyphosate and the health issues that are associated with this. I have written a full article on this topic, read it here. 

 The best way to test this for yourself, is to experiment with it. Cut gluten out of your diet and see how it affects your digestion how you feel overall. I always advocate for intuitively listening to your body and this rule most definitely applies here. Do what works for you.  

What is it in?
Gluten is in SO many products that line our shelves. Any wheat, barley and rye bread products, canned veggies or ready-made meals if they contain emulsifiers, preservatives, thickening agents, stabilisers or starch. Fish in batter, processed meats, margarine, vegetable oils, beer, malt drinks… the list goes on. 

What’s the deal with “Gluten Free” Products?
Honestly, steer clear or be very vigilant. If you choose to eat gluten free foods then opt for naturally gluten free foods. Products that are pretending to mimic gluten often add a bunch of additives that can also be inflammatory for the body. Seriously, next time you’re at the shops, turn over some GF products and look at the number of ingredients on some of these packets! It’s crazy. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule and there are some great brands that do focus on real wholefood ingredients. So the myth are Gluten Free products better for you? Nope.  

What about Alternative Flours?
There are many different flour options that do not contain gluten such as
almond flour, almond meal, buckwheat flour, coconut flour, besan flour, rice flour, tapioca flour & many more. 

Need some Cooking Inspo?
I have made a GF Recipe Ebook for all meals of the day! Make sure you are on my newsletter list!  
Also, you must try these GF Blueberry Muffins

If you are wanting more support please reach out. I offer 1:1 consultations, spots are limited. More info here.

Stacey Natural Spoonfuls

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·      What You Need To Know About Glyphosate

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