What you need to know about Glyphosate!


What is Glyphosate?
Glyphosate is the active ingredient in majority of herbicides. It is designed to kill microbes and as such can seriously decrease soil health. This decrease is due to the chemicals affecting the microbial diversity within the soil. It was introduced in 1974 and significantly it is estimated that 8.6 billion (yes billion!) kilos of glyphosate have been used worldwide since. 

1996 saw the introduction of genetically modified “roundup ready” crops. This genetic engineering occurred so that crops would continue to thrive through the use of Roundup. Yes, Roundup’s active ingredient is glyphosate. It is a non-selective herbicide which unfortunately means it kills everything but the crop! This means that the soil health is seriously damaged. Glyphosate affects the plants ability to make certain proteins which are required for its growth. It also prevents the shikimate pathway (requires manganese), which in turn prevents tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine coenzyme Q10 and folic acid being produced. This means our bodies are missing out on these critical minerals and the gut microbiome no longer makes them for the body. 

Glyphosate is also sprayed as a desiccant on non GMO crops such as grains legumes, pulses and seeds prior to harvesting to assist in the yield. It is being ingested through our food, our water systems, our local environment and our backyards. 


What are the health effects?
Despite the controversy (which I believe is largely due to industry ties & capital), more and more evidence is being published about the potential health consequences of glyphosate. It is believed to be an endocrine disruptor which means it can cause havoc on your body’s hormones. It can seriously affect gut health and our ability to absorb and use minerals. These are serious issues for our overall health and wellbeing. Safe to say I do NOT like the stuff. 

There have been multiple court cases against Bayer’s Monsanto corporation which produces genetically modified crops and Roundup. They have paid out billions of dollars as they have been found guilty on multiple occasions that the weed killer was responsible for causing cancer! A recent 2019 study found that those who have high exposure rates, raise the risk of developing non-Hodgkin lymphoma by 41%! 

Not only is it affecting our health and depleting our environments it is also affecting our wildlife. America’sEnvironmental Protection Agency released a terrifying statistic that glyphosate is believed to injure or kill 93% of endangered plants and animals.

What is it in?
Genetically modified (GM) crops are heavily sprayed such as canola, corn, soy, cotton  and sugar beets
(yep sugar – *sad face*). 

 Non-GMO soy, legumes, pulses, wheat and many grains like oats can also be sprayed through the desiccation process, this again is used to promote yield and to dry crops out make handling them easier. 

Basically, A LOT. 
Sadly, majority of Australia’s packaged foods contain GM corn, soy and sugar! 


What can we do?
It is super important to actually know where your food is coming from. You as the consumer hold the power. 
Obviously, avoiding GMO but also being aware that many non-GMO foods will still contain residue of glyphosate.  

Eating foods that are certified organic ensures there is no glyphosate use at all. Eat locally, shop at farmers markets and ask them about their farming practices. 

Nourish your body with a variety of natural wholefoods.

Get in contact with your local council and let them know that you are concerned about the use of glyphosate containing herbicides in your local environment such as the streets, sportsgrounds, parks, playgrounds and beaches. Very recently at the end of 2020, New York’s Governor signed a bill to prohibit the use of glyphosate on New York state property! The more this is discussed and advocated for, the closer we are to change! So, send an email, write a letter, tell others and be an activist!


Did you learn something new? Let’s continue the discussion below. 

Stacey Natural Spoonfuls

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