Strawberries & Cream Spelt Pancake Tacos

Who said pancakes needed to be in a stack, get your hands sticky with these delicious pancake tacos.
With fresh whipped cream and strawberries, drizzled with pure maple syrup. Top with some fresh mint leaves for a scrumptious sweet way to start your day!


Servings: 2


1 cup Spelt Flour, sifted
1 tsp Baking Powder
¼ tsp Salt
¾ cup Unsweetened Plant-Based Milk (I used Coconut Milk)
¼ cup Greek or Coconut Yoghurt
1 Free-Range Egg
Grass-Fed Butter

Cream, whipped
Fresh Mint Leaves
Maple Syrup 



1.     Combine spelt flour, baking powder, salt, milk, yoghurt and egg in a bowl.

2.     Pour heaped spoonfuls of batter onto a butter greased frying pan.

3.     Flip once bubbles appear and cook until browned on the opposite side.

4.     Serve with whipped cream, strawberries, mint leaves and maple syrup.

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