How to Stay Healthy this Festive Season

The silly season can seem difficult to manage, with the late nights, extra drinking, food feasts and extra stress. But, it’s important to ensure you are taking care of YOU and listening to your bodies needs. By adding in some extra healthy hacks, you will have conquered the festive season, free of food comas and killer hangovers!

How to Stay Healthy this Festive Season

Festive Eating
The festive season always seems to revolve around food & this is a fantastic thing! Food brings people together, don’t let the thought of indulging daunt you. ⠀
I am all for a balanced approach to eating that allows for flexibility. Allow your intuition to guide your eating this festive season. That might involve eating the beautiful cake a family member serves but not going overboard on the chocolates. That might also mean having a few too many chocolates and not feeling guilty about it!

Here’s some nourishing tips:

  • Start your day right (ensure a nutrient dense breakfast head to my recipes for inspo, you want to be satiated for the day ahead, you will be less likely to overindulge).

  • Keep some nutrient dense snacks handy (these will tie you over the line to your next meal and you will be less likely to want a slice of that cheesecake that seems to get delivered daily to the work office!)

  • Prioritise nutrient dense meals (that contain healthy fats and protein, it’s also a good idea to eat a proper meal before heading to finger foods events, you will be less likely to graze the entire grazing table!)

  • Meal plan (create a rough menu for the week ahead and prep if time allows, you will be less likely to make those not so healthy last minute decisions).

  • Hydrate your body with water (especially if you’re drinking alcohol, when drinking alcohol opt for drinks with mineral/soda water to assist in hydration)

  • Do some Home Cooking (Take advantage of extra time if/when you have it & do some home cooking. Bake some delicious nutritious food, how about my checking out my sweet recipes)

  • Continue to nourish your body with seasonal fruit & veg (it’s all about balance, deprivation is unrealistic, instead have an intuitive approach and continue to fuel your body appropriately).

  • Really enjoy your food.. guilt free (I mean it’s not every day we get gingerbread right!)

Stay Active
Remember to get some movement in, sometimes movement can sit on the back burner during these ‘busy’ periods. Schedule it in, make it happen. You will feel so much better for it. Even better get your friends and family involved this could be a beach walk or maybe some backyard cricket.⁠

Take time for YOU
There always seems to be added stress during this period; the shops are full, people are rushing about doing last minute things, people are just trying to do it ALL. Remember to slow it down, take time for you. Listen to your needs. Do the things that will restore your body, maybe that’s a yoga class, your meditation practice, a relaxing bath or even choosing to online shop rather than brave the shopping centres. Take the time and self-care you need. You do you.

Mostly, try to take the pressure off and just enjoy! Do NOT feel guilty for eating food that brings you joy. But DO make sure these indulgences do not form new unhealthy habits. ⁠Continue to nourish your body with seasonal produce, keep the movement going and take some time for you. Wishing you a safe and merry festive season.

Tell me below, What foods do you look forward to at XMAS time?? ⁠⠀
I’m looking forward to rafaellos (they are seriously delicious)⁠⠀

Stacey Natural Spoonfuls

After some more nourishment?
Check out these articles!

·      Gut Health 101

·      How to Naturally Support your Immune System

·      The low down on Prebiotics & Probiotics


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