Let’s Build a Healthy Pantry

Jarred Nuts in Glass Containers

So, if you’re anything like me you’ve scrolled on Pinterest and been in absolute awe of picture perfect pantries! Although many aren’t always the most realistic they all have one thing in common.. we want them! They are beautiful and inviting and are begging to be cooked from! 

What if I told you that building your Pinterest worthy pantry wasn’t actually that hard and would actually be super beneficial for you and your families health!

As a Nutritionist nothing makes me happier then providing you with the tools to building healthy habits. 

This is why I created my ebook PANTRY MAKEOVER to guide you through the whole process. Head here to get started. 

Glass Pantry Jars

I want to let you in on a secret though! 
It’s probably my number one tip you might say to building a healthy natural pantry. 

Have a Single Ingredient Pantry (or pretty close to it!).

This concept involves buying wholesome real foods that consist of a singular ingredient, you then proceed to combine ingredients to make your own “packet” or store bought versions. 

Having this approach is the healthy pantry game changer! 

You may be thinking “oh but I don’t have time for that”, but the truth is you really do, you can make time, make it a priority, nourish don’t punish your systems. Let’s get back to basics, back to real natural food.

But yes, let’s be realistic, sometimes we do need some great quick options. And fortunately, there are some fantastic food brands who are trying to do the right thing! Which is why, we as consumers need to support them and buy wholefood based products. In my PANTRY MAKEOVER ebook I provide you with a staple ingredient list to get you started. I also let you know what nasties you should be ditching!

Are you ready to up your pantry game?
Are you ready to nourish your body with natural wholefoods?

Let’s do a makeover


After some more nourishment?
Check out these articles!

·      Gut Health 101

·      How to Naturally Support your Immune System

·      The low down on Prebiotics & Probiotics


Natural Kitchen Essentials


The low down on Prebiotics & Probiotics