It's Time To Upgrade Your Gratitude Practice

Upgrade Your Gratitude Practice

There’s been a lot going on lately… to say the least. Amongst all the chaos it’s so important to practice gratitude. I really find it helps ground me, reduces anxiety & genuinely makes me a happier person. 
If you’re like uhh ok.. how?? 
Below are some tips to help get you started.

⭐ Journal. Take some time to get your thoughts on to paper, talk to yourself (this may seem silly at first, but trust me you will get in the flow of it). Write down things you are grateful for, including the small stuff! For example, "today I am grateful for the peaceful moments I had sipping my green tea" ⁠
⭐ Smell the roses. Cliche, but honestly just slow it down for a sec! ⁠
⭐ Affirmations. Get in the habit of saying daily affirmations that mean something to you. Every morning when I put on my essential oil perfume I say to myself "I am abundant" & "the universe has my back".⁠
⭐ Look up at the clouds. Take a moment every day to appreciate the vast & intriguing world we are living in. ⁠
⭐ Smile. Do it. More. It really does help. ⁠
⭐ Get out in nature. Take a walk. I find this so grounding & relaxing. ⁠
⭐ Meditate. Everyday. I use the app "insight timer", there is guided mediations or just a timer. I like to do 5 minutes every morning (most mornings anyway!)⁠⁠
I hope these few little tips help, do you have anything else that helps you? ⁠

And let me know what you’re grateful for at the moment BIG or SMALL! 

Stacey - Natural Spoonfuls

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