What is Mindful Eating and why should you be doing it!

Eating mindfully is extremely important to assist digestion, portion appropriately, build healthy habits and remain in control.

I cannot express the impact of this enough! I grew up with a lot of digestive issues and in my early 20’s I came across the term eating mindfully and wow what a gamechanger it has been. If you ever feel bloated after meals, experience flatulence or find you wolf down your food, then this is for you! 

It's amazing how these simple adjustments can have such a big impact!



Here’s my top tips to get started and be present. 

  • Actually set time aside for your meal. Don’t eat at your desk or when you’re rushing out the door. 

  • Eat distraction free (this means silencing and putting away the phone and turning off the tv).

  • Socialise where possible, enjoy your meal with others. We all know one of the best ways to connect, is through food. 

  • Take some deep breaths before eating to slip into a relaxed parasympathetic (rest and digest) state.

  • Chew more! Help the digestion process and get it started in your mouth (many foods can have up to 20 chews, just concentrate on breaking the food down).

  • Be conscious of where your food comes from and practice gratitude.

  • Check in with your senses (taste, smell, sight, texture, sound). Enjoy the experience.

  • This might sound silly but write yourself a reminder to slow down and leave it on your dining table. Whatever works right?

  • Take smaller bites, simple I know.

  • Try use chopsticks often, I bet you won't pack as much onto a fork and will naturally slow you down.


Remember, it’s not just what we eat, it’s how we eat and who we eat with.

If you experience any digestive stress or simply want to practice mindfulness when it comes to food, give the above advice a go!
If you’re after more nourishment check out my Low Tox Food Program where we make sure what we are eating is actually REAL food and nourishing our bodies. If you feel you would benefit from an individual online nutrition consultation, please get in contact with me here.

Have you implemented any of these tips? Do you have any more to add to the list?


After some more nourishment?
Check out these articles!

·      Eating Organic.. Is it Worth It?
·      The low down on Prebiotics & Probiotics
·      Top Nutrition Tips to Navigate Eating Out


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