Are you drinking clean water?
Let’s talk about water purity.
Okay so I am a big advocate for staying hydrated and flushing out our system with water… but what if that water is full of nasties and toxins?
I personally drink up to 4 litres a day and recommend at least
2 litres to my clients. That’s a lot of water that we are constantly consuming... so ensuring the water is pure is something you may like to look into as you progress is your natural living journey.
Tap Water
I don’t know about you but sometimes I’ve had tap water where you actually get a chlorine scent or that horrible metallic taste (throwback to the taps at school!). Yuck.
We have to consider how the water is being treated in our local areas and also consider the pipes the water is coming through. We need to be wary of potential pathogens, heavy metals and various chemicals.
Let’s go through some common contaminants and a brief overview of each:
Australia introduced water fluoridation in the 1960’s to assist dental health. There is much controversy on this topic as fluoride can accumulate in high calcium areas in the body causing issues like mobility and brittleness. Fluoride can also compete against iodine absorption. Fluoride dosage is obviously not controllable if it is being consumed through our water. This free 2011 documentary called “Fire Water” explores this topic further.
This is a cumulative toxin, meaning it stores itself in the body and can build up over time, leading to various health concerns (even in small amounts) and lead poisoning. This contamination can happen through aging/corroded lead pipes, plumbing, public drinking fountains and/or lead lined water tanks.
This is used to disinfect public water to deter bacteria and viruses, which sounds great and it does do a marvellous job of killing these. However, drinking chlorinated water also destroys beneficial bacteria. Chlorine also competes with iodine, which is a common deficiency. It is also linked to respiratory and digestive concerns.
We now know that mercury is a toxic substance, hence why dentists no longer use this material for fillings. Exposure in high levels can lead to kidney and brain damage.
like E. coli.
Other contaminants can include zinc, cadmium, aluminium, copper and more.
Bottled Water
We all know that plastic is a serious issue for the environment. Not only this but the water is left sitting in plastic potentially for a very long time, chemicals like BPA (especially if exposed to sunlight/heat/shaken through transportation) can seep into the water. Also buying bottled water is expensive and can cost 2000 times more than tap water!
I know there are some scenarios where you can be caught out and may buy bottled water (I’d much prefer that than soft drinks!). I’d like you to think about how often this happens and try to have a pre-filled drink bottle on you always! I have multiple water bottles always on rotation and grab them from the fridge.
You may be drawn to bottled water due to the pure taste, but this can easily be substituted with your own drink bottles (I recommend glass or stainless steel). Fill them at home with the filtration systems like the one’s mentioned below.
Home Filtration Systems
These are amazing at sterilising and filtrating tap water. As well as activating the water with bio-organic trace minerals to assist overall health.
I personally have invested in a Water Co 7 Litre Bench Top Filter, which I am absolutely loving. My partner and I did a blind taste test and both of us could actually taste the difference, plus the muck that builds up in the replaceable filter is quite eye opening. Check out Water Co here (please note that this is an affiliate link).
I have also heard amazing reviews through another company Zazen Water. Check them out here. I recommend checking out both options to my clients and in my Low Tox Food Program.
It may also be worth looking into filtration systems that are built into your sink, which are super handy! Search online with services like this in your local area.
Want to know more about alkaline water, read here.
I hope this has been insightful and made you think twice about the quality of water that you are consuming.
Here’s to healthy pure refreshing water.
Just writing that makes me thirsty!
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