The Calorie Fallacy - are calories created equal?

Most of us have been there, counting calories, using apps, obsessing over what food will contribute the least to our days calorie intake. But, those days are GONE.

It’s not as simple as a numbers game. Health is oh so much more.

The Calorie Fallacy - are calories created equal?

No, Calories are NOT Created Equal
Okay so technically yes, a calorie is a unit of measuring energy and when comparing numbers these are considered equal. However, your body does not, and that’s what really matters. It’s the way that the body uses those calories that will either contribute to excess fat storage or not. When our bodies metabolise our macronutrients they each produce varying hormonal responses.

Thermic Effect of Food
This is the energy required for digestion, absorption and metabolism post ingestion within the body. In effect some foods use more energy to break down than others. Digestion requires a lot of energy and it’s important to understand how this varies between certain foods. For example, your body requires far more energy breaking down protein as opposed to simple refined carbohydrates like white bread. This is not accounted for in simple calorie counting.

How to Really Lose Fat
Losing fat involves so much more than working out your calories in accordance to energy expenditure. Yes exercise and food are important, but there is so much more to factor in. We want to create an anti-inflammatory metabolically flexible body. This means taking a look at stress levels, sleep, exercise, gut health, overall happiness (yes, important) and of course quality food choices. Most importantly, this approach needs to be sustainable. One study found that 95% of diets fail and most will regain their lost weight in 1-5 years. So yes, it needs to be manageable and starving the body in a calorie deficit is not sustainable. Yes, a calorie deficit will result in weightless, but that does not mean it’s sustainable. I don’t know about you, but I want to have the flexibility in eating what I want when I want. So yes, losing fat should be an intuitive approach that listens to the body’s needs, this will naturally drive nourishing foods and habits into your life.

Focus on Quality rather than Quantity
When you focus on nutrient density, which includes natural wholefoods packed full of nutrients and minerals, this leads to a balanced diet, which ultimately leads to satiety (feeling full). Nourishing our bodies with quality real food will regulate hunger levels. Including enough protein, good quality fats and copious amounts of vegetables will assist in this regulation. Stop counting calories and just eat real food!
Let nature take care of the rest.

Before I let you go, I want you think if it were as simple as a mathematical equation of burning more calories than the body consumes then why do so many diets fail and why are so many people overweight? The formula just doesn’t work. The body treats food differently and your body responds differently to different foods.

Let me know below, have you been or are you stuck calorie counting?

Stacey - Natural Spoonfuls

After some more nourishment?
Check out these articles!

·      Gut Health 101

·      How to Naturally Support your Immune System

·      The low down on Prebiotics & Probiotics


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