Banh Mi Burgers

Okkkkkk if you’re a banh mi fan, you HAVE to try this burger version. All those fresh Asian flavours in burger form, this one is seriously delicious and was such a joy to see this recipe concept come to life.

If you’re more traditional, try my Crispy Chicken Banh Mi!

These flavours take me straight back to Vietnam, funnily enough I used to be one of those people who hated coriander, but after eating it everyday along our Vietnam travels, I fell completely in love with it.

Are you a coriander fan? If not, leave it out! Enjoy.

Banh Mi Burgers

Servings: 2


300g Free-Range Pork Mince (sourced through my faves at Butcher Crowd).
2 Garlic Cloves, minced
3 tsp Fish Sauce
1 tsp Lime Zest
¼ tsp Chilli Flakes
1 tsp Coconut Sugar
2 tsp Tapioca
1 tsp Salt
¼ tsp Pepper
1 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

To serve:
2 x Burger Buns
2 tbsp Pate (try my homemade pate here)
2 tbsp Mayonnaise
1 Cucumber, peeled into ribbons
1 Carrot, julienned
1 Spring Onion, chopped
½ cup Coriander
Hot Sauce, optional

Banh Mi Burgers


  1. Combine mince, garlic, fish sauce, lime, chilli flakes, coconut sugar, tapioca, salt and pepper in a bowl. Using your hands form mixture into burger patties.

  2. Heat oil in a frying pan on a medium heat.

  3. Add burgers and cook until browned, approximately 3-4 minutes each side.

  4. Spread pate, mayonnaise and hot sauce (if using) on a burger bun. Add cooked burgers to bun and top with cucumber, carrot, spring onion and coriander.

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