Natural Nut Milk

Have you ever made your own nut milk?? It’s actually really simple to do.⁠

You know me, If something can be done homemade I’m all for it, the least processed & more natural a product is the better!⁠
A lot of these “healthy” store bought plant based milks are FULL of unnecessary additional sugars, flavours, emulsifiers & vegetable oils. ⁠

When time allows I make my own, when I can’t.. 
I always read the ingredient list and opt for the best option.⁠ Look for simple ingredients, unsweetened & actually look at the nut 
percentage, you will be amazed when comparing brands (I mean who wants to spend top dollar on basically water!).⁠

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Servings: 700ml


1 cup of Raw Nuts of choice, soaked & drained overnight (I used almonds here, but feel free to use cashews, hazelnuts or whatever!)
3 cups of Water
Pinch of Salt
Pinch of Cinnamon
1 Medjool date, pitted


1.     Process all ingredients until blended. 

2.     Strain milk through a muslin cloth or nut milk bag. 

3.     Keep refrigerated for 3 – 4 days. 


Don’t chuck out the excess pulp! Try this Cheesy Almond Crackers recipe! 
Alternatively, let it dry, blend it up again and store as nut flour. 


Crunch Kale Chips


Cheesy Almond Crackers