Protein Hot Chocolate


Making your own hot chocolate is super simple and a million times better than store bought hot choc packets! These packets are full of highly refined ingredients like sugar and unnecessary additives.

Plus making it at home you can have additional ingredients like super boosting it with this delicious grass-fed cacao protein powder.

Time to get cozy!

Protein Hot Chocolate

Servings: 1


1/3 cup, boiling water
2/3 cup Milk (I used Soy Milk)
1/3 cup Artisan Cacao Protein Powder
½ tsp Maple Syrup
1 tsp Cacao Powder
¼ tsp Vanilla Extract
Pinch Cinnamon
Pinch Nutmeg

Protein Hot Chocolate


1.     Mix all ingredients in a small saucepan and warm on a low heat (do not bring to boil).

2.     Once all ingredients are combined and temperature is to your desired warmth, pour into a mug and enjoy.


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