Slow Cooked Lamb Loaded Burritos

Slow cooked meat is definitely my favourite way to eat meat!
This is 100% Grass-Fed, Grass-Finished Lamb from Butcher Crowd

When I buy meat I always choose the most ethical & nutritious options that being through organic, grass-fed & finished, free-range, pasture-raised and wild sources. This is why I use Butcher Crowd!

This slow cooked lamb is served with a delicious homemade Garlic Sauce, you are in for an absolute treat!

Slow Cooked Lamb Loaded Burritos

Servings: 2


300g Lamb Roast
½ cup Bone Broth
2 Tortilla Wraps
½ cup Cooked Brown Rice
1 Jalapeños, sliced
¼ cup Corn Kernels
¼ Red Onion, thinly sliced
2 handfuls Spinach
¼ cup Feta Cheese

Garlic Sauce (refrigerate leftover)
3 Garlic Cloves, minced
½ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
½ cup Natural Yoghurt
1 Lime, juiced
Salt & Pepper, to taste

Slow Cooked Lamb Loaded Burritos


  1. Add lamb and broth to a slow cooker and cook on low for 8-12 hours. Procced to pull apart with two forks.

  2. Blitz garlic sauce ingredients in a blender until smooth.

  3. Top wrap with lamb, remaining ingredients and drizzle with garlic sauce.

  4. Roll & enjoy.

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