Get Glowing Skin through the power of FOOD

Now, todays article is a bit of a longer one, but I guarantee it’s one you’re going to want to read!

Glowing, youthful looking skin is something that is obviously well desired, so let’s dive into some nutritional tips and specific foods that are going to make your skin GLOW!

At Natural Spoonfuls, our philosophy is essentially eating real foods, and this is no different. We want to reduce or even better, eliminate our intake of processed and refined foods. We want to be eating a wide variety of natural food ingredients, think of it like eating the rainbow, the more colours the better (as long as they’re naturally derived!). This ensures an abundance of antioxidants are being delivered to the body – we will explain why a bit further down.

Another key player in the game for glowing skin is GUT HEALTH!! Proper digestion is essential for the health of our skin. You can read my article all about the importance of gut health to further understand this concept!

Let’s get to the nutrients you should be including in your diet for that GLOW


Now the simplest and arguably easiest tip to implement in your day to day for glowing skin is to stay hydrated!! Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, at least 2L per day, this allows for waste products to be removed through urine. In summer I aim for up to 4L per day. The skins’ dermis holds the water for your skin which helps gives you that hydrated appearance. So, drink UP! Find out if you’re drinking clean water here.


Vitamin C

I’m sure we’ve all heard Vitamin C oils and serums being marketed to us from skincare companies, they do produce fantastic results. SO, imagine the benefits you could have by adding vitamin C into your diet. Your skin will be glowing from within!!

Vitamin C is most commonly known for its benefits for our immune system, it stimulates the activity of white blood cells which can help to protect against disease/illness. It can however also help with preventing early skin ageing, prevent sun damage and improve the appearance of wrinkles, dark spots and acne (please also make sure you’re using a good natural sunscreen, vitamin C is good, but it’s not that good).

Vitamin C food sources include:

  • Citrus fruits (oranges, kiwi, lemon and grapefruit)

  • Capsicum

  • Raw brassica vegies (broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, turnips)

  • Strawberries

  • Tomatoes

  • White and sweet potatoes

TIP: Vitamin C is very heat sensitive; this means that high-heat cooking or prolonged cooking time can often break down the vitamin. It is also water-soluble, meaning it can seep into cooking liquids and be lost if the liquid is not eaten (have you ever steamed broccoli and the water appeared green afterwards?). Foods at peak ripeness and eaten raw will provide the most benefits when it comes to Vitamin C.



The term ‘antioxidants’ has become well known over time, so I’m sure you’ve all heard of them before, but what are their benefits for our skin and health? Antioxidants consist of a range of vitamins and minerals and can assist in preventing and delaying cell and tissue damage.

Antioxidant have been shown to protect the skin from harmful UV radiation, improving hydration, stimulating the production of collagen, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation, supporting heaping and reducing inflammation.
Sound good?
Here are the foods to add to your diet to increase antioxidant intake:

  • Fruits, such as pomegranates, apples and lemons

  • Vegetables, such as kale, broccoli, chilli, olives, beetroot and capsicum

  • Berries (of all kinds)

  • Coffee and green tea

  • Red wine (YES, you read that!!) 

  • Cacao and chocolate high in cocao content (read more about chocolate benefits here)


Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids come in 2 types, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. I won’t bore you with the chemistry of these fatty acids, all you need to know is that they are essential for the makeup of our cells throughout the body, assist in hormone production and help to regulate the cardiovascular system.

These essential fatty acids play an essential role in skin function and appearance. They contribute to the structural integrity and barrier function of the skin and can assist in decreasing inflammation by improving circulation. They can also alleviate some skin sensitivity and disorders, such as psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis.  

Omega-3 food sources include (focus mostly on these):

  • Seafood, including salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring and sardines (make sure its wild)

  • Nuts and seeds (flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts)

  • Plant oils, such as flaxseed oil

  • Tofu (make sure organic & non GMO)


Omega-6 food sources include:

  • Soybeans (make sure organic & non GMO)

  • Corn (make sure non GMO)

  • Seafood (see above)

  • Eggs (make sure organic, free-range, local)



Zinc is one you might not know so much about, it is a trace mineral, meaning the body only needs a small amount of it, but it is super beneficial for our health! 

Zinc is a major player in DNA creation, growth of cells building proteins and healing damaged tissue. This can be beneficial for our skin because it can assist with healing acne scaring and regenerating new cells in the skin, making us look youthful and keep our skin glowing.

Zinc food sources include:

  • Shellfish (oysters, crab, lobster)

  • Beef (grass fed – see why here)

  • Poultry (free-range)

  • Pork (free-range)

  • Legumes

  • Nuts and seeds

  • Whole grains  

  • I am loving this natural food based zinc supplement from Gelpro, Oyster+

If you’re wanting to take your skin health to the next level, try these extra tips below!!

  1. I didn’t get a chance to really dive into collagen (which really deserves it’s own blog post), but basically it assists skin integrity & resilience. Our body naturally produces collagen but as we age the amount decreases (particularly after around age 25). So I love supplementing, at the moment I am using a grass-fed bovine from Gelpro, they also have a wild caught marine powder too which I also like. Vitamin C is needed for collagen formation, so try combining your powder with some of the Vitamin C sources mentioned above.

  2. Change pillowcase regularly. 

  3. Opt for natural products only (beware of the chemical load on your body), gently press in product with your fingertips, rather than roughly rubbing it in.

  4. Always remove makeup before bed, (do not use aggressive alcohol/drying products, I use coconut oil).

  5. View your skincare routine as a mindful pamper moment, think of nourishing your skin not punishing your skin. Be gentle not aggressive/harsh.

  6. Try not to touch your face & do not pick at spots (a habit I am still working on)!

  7. Stress management: Reduce stress levels & take time out for relaxation & you time, inspo here.

  8. Prioritise movement, exercise assists the bodies removal of toxins. 

Additional Nutrition Tip:

If you are someone that has any skin concerns (breakouts, blemishes, redness), I recommend trying to eliminate dairy. For many, dairy can be quite inflammatory and can cause congestion in our skin. I suggest cutting out dairy completely for 4 weeks to determine whether there is a change in your skin, however, if you experience no difference then you can go back to including dairy in your diet.

So, there we have it, my tips and tricks to improving your skin and get it glowing from within! Try adding some of these nutrients and habits to your day to day and see the difference for yourself!!

BUT remember, all skin is different and requires different levels of TLC. Some specific skin concerns require individual treatment and there is more going on than meets the eye, if this is you, please get in touch for a consult here.

Want more?

My Low Tox Food Program is my signature program and honestly my true passion. It will help you get back in touch with REAL food. I go through every food product imaginable, giving you the confidence that what you are adding to your shopping trolley is free of nasties, additives and is actually going to nourish your body.


After some more nourishment?
Check out these articles!

·     Are you drinking clean water?
·     Intuitive Eating 101
·     Eating Organic… is it Worth it?


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