GF Choc Coconut Slice

Mmmm Chocolate Slice Heaven!

Does this sound familiar "oh I would love a slice... but I shouldn't.."

Screw that nonsense, let's chat intuitive eating for a sec⬇️ 

🍰Eating intuitively is feeling completely empowered to eat what you want, when you want & ultimately knowing how this will feed your body & soul. It's about building trust with yourself.

🍰It helped me ditch diet culture, strengthen my self-esteem & sustainably lose 25kg!

🍰Check in with your food & mood habits. When do you crave certain foods & why do you think this is?

🍰What is your self-talk like? Is it talking to you like it would your best friend? Or is it tearing you down??

🍰Switch to whole foods & watch as your palate and cravings adjust! Suddenly, you have the power back, you are in control of your food choices.

🍰I used to easily down a whole block of Cadbury milk chocolate.. now I feel sick after a couple of pieces. Your body begins to intuitively crave REAL foods, now it’s a couple squares of dark choc for me. Yep, I naturally became THAT person!

🍰Ready to feel empowered?
My My Low Tox Food Program is a fantastic place to start.

This My Low Tox Food Program focuses on ensuring you are confidently fueling your body & continuing to enjoy food. The program empowers you to focus on eating real food & getting back to basics. Next round coming up in a few months!!

Stay tuned.
In the meantime, enjoy this delicious
real food recipe below!


Servings: 9


¾ cup Gluten Free Plain Flour (I used GF Oats, pictured below)
¼ cup Desiccated Coconut
1/3 cup Coconut Sugar
1 tbsp Cacao Powder
1 tsp Baking Powder
½ cup Dark Chocolate Chips
½ cup Unsweetened Coconut Milk
½ cup Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, melted
1 Free-Range Egg
1 tsp Vanilla Extract

½ cup Dark Chocolate Chips
¼ cup Shredded Coconut
1 tbsp Coconut Oil
1 tbsp Coconut Yoghurt, optional

GF Choc Coconut Slice

This flour packaging features my photography for GF Oats, If you would like to try the recipe featured, you can find my Apple Crumble Muffins here.



1.     Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

2.     In a large bowl, combine flour, desiccated coconut, sugar, cacao powder, baking powder and chocolate chips.

3.     In a separate bowl, combine milk, oil, egg and vanilla.  

4.     Pour the wet ingredients into the dry mixture and stir to combine.

5.     Pour into 20cm square greased or lined tin (a standard brownie tin works well).

6.     Bake for 12-15 mins or until a skewer comes out clean.

7.     Once baked, heat a small saucepan to a boil, place a heat proof bowl on top of the saucepan and add chocolate chips and coconut oil. Allow to melt and use a spatula to stir frequently. Take off the heat and stir though shredded coconut and yoghurt.

8.     Spread melted chocolate mixture over slice and enjoy!

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