Pesto Pizza

Pesto pizza?? Yuuuus please!⁠

I used Aussie Pea Shoots from Aussie Sprouts to make this delish pesto full of antioxidants & phytonutrients it anti-inflammatory!⁠

⁠It is SO easy to whip up your own & healthy pesto. If you can’t get your hands on pea shoots you could always increase the basil quantity. But highly recommend trying the shoots to add diversity which is amazing for our gut health.

Are you down for pesto on your pizza?⁠

Full recipe below. ⁠

Pea Pesto Pizza

Servings: 2


2 Tortilla Wraps for Pizza Base
1 Tomato, sliced
½ Green Capsicum, sliced
¼ cup Goats Cheese
2 handfuls Rocket
Salt & Pepper, to taste
Extra Pea Shoots on top

Pea Pesto
1 punnet Aussie Sprouts Pea Shoots
½ cup Fresh Basil
2 tbsp Nutritional Yeast
½ cup Toasted Cashews
½ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Garlic Clove
Salt & Pepper, to taste

Pesto Pizza


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

  2. Blitz all pesto ingredients in a blender until smooth.

  3. Spread pesto over wrap.

  4. Place tomato, capsicum and goats cheese on pizza.

  5. Bake for 10 – 12 minutes or until base has crisped.

  6. Top with fresh rocket and pea shoots. Slice & serve.

Want to see this recipe in action?

View on @naturalspoonfuls Instagram here.


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